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Saturday Sings

September 25


Registered Singers

September 25

hosted by

Carol Southard

21 Brandon Rd West


Carole Allison

April Boss

Calleen Parson

Betty Harris

Carol Southard

Christina Rowntree

Julie Buehler

Chris Piatek

Cecilia Aerstin

Karen Bolmer

Julie Buehler

Christi Regan

Carol Southard

Betty Harris

Covid-19 Health Declaration

This form must be filled out within 24 hours of each session in which you are participating. 


Download Your Music

The Rules

  1. Before each group sing, all participants must pre-register, fill out a health screening questionnaire. One time only, a liability waiver must be physically signed and returned before your first participation.

  2. You must pre-register. Walk-ins are not permitted. Space in any given session may be limited. I will give all new folks a chance to participate before anyone repeats, but otherwise registration is on a first-come basis. 

  3. All sessions will take place outdoors on the property of various choir members who have generously volunteered the use of their space. Singers will not be permitted to enter the residence for any reason, unless there is an emergency. There will be no use of the restroom, getting water, etc. We’ll enter the backyard/patio through the permitter of the house (instructions will come per location). If you’ll want to sit, you’ll have to bring your own chair. 

  4. All participants will be standing at least 6 feet apart in a W pattern. I will place you specifically and individually. After 20 minutes of singing, we will break for 5 minutes to let the air clear (11:00-11:20. 11:25-11:45. 11:50-12:00). These are the protocols of various professional guidelines being followed across the country. 

  5. Music will be emailed to you and expected that you print them. We cannot share music, folders, pencils, or any other materials

  6. Please check your email/website two hours prior to each group sing on a Saturday morning to confirm that the weather is cooperating and the session is on

  7. If any of these rules are broken, you will not be allowed to return to another session. Further, I reserve the right to cancel group sings if necessary. 

  8. If you are experiencing symptoms defined by the CDC, you must stay home and immediately notify me. If you test positive for Covid-19, you must immediately notify me directly. I will keep your name confidential but will alert the group that a member has tested positive to ensure that those in contact can begin their 14-day quarantine and schedule a test. Those who have been in contact will not be permitted to join another group sing until their quarantine has been completed.

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