The Hopewell Valley Chorus greatly appreciates the financial and in-kind support of area businesses and residents. Please consider adding your voice to the chorus by joining other generous area donors in support of our music and mission.
Our expenses include music purchases and royalties, honoraria for the artistic staff, insurance and rental space for rehearsals and concerts, collaborations with professional soloists, and printing and mailing. Our fall and spring fund drives, along with periodic fundraisers, support all of these costs as well as a $1,000 scholarship, we annually award to a musically gifted high school senior from the Hopewell Valley who plans to pursue music studies at the college level.
Roughly half of the chorus’s income derives from ticket sales, with another quarter coming from member dues. The balance depends on the generosity of members and friends, like you, and community organizations including Hopewell Harvest Fair and Pennington Day.
Additional funding for the chorus has been made possible through funding from the New Jersey Council on the Arts / Department of State, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, and by funds from the Mercer County Cultural and Heritage Commission.
Endless hours of donated time from members and friends also help defray costs.
To learn more about supporting this worthy organization, please write to us at hopewellvalleychorus@gmail.com or